People have been through so much. You could be best friends with that person and not even know about the things that they have been through!
It inspires me that people have so much courage that they are able to speak about what they have been through. They can write about it, sing about, even paint art about it.
They don’t live in constant fear what people will think about them. They are able to deal with the things they have been through.
Today, I have a poem for you all. This poem inspires me. People who can write about the things that they have been through, are truly amazing, they have immense strength and courage. There are many ways of expressing things in life, And I thought I would give it ago.
The people who can do this; inspired me to do it!
So the Poem
Here it is,
This Little Girl
A little girl sad and alone
Cold and stiff like a stone
Tears run down her pretty little face
She can’t stand the feeling of his terrifying embrace
She knows what is about to come
And sadly nothing can be done
She knows it hurts, she knows its scary
She closes her eyes and pretends she is a fairy
She did this for a full 8 years
Hiding from everyone the pain, the tears
See, this man got away with what he did
He changed the life of this poor innocent kid
She relives it everyday in her mind
Trying to struggle free from his bind
This little girl, not so little anymore
Still lives through the memories, so there, so raw
What this man did hurts like a knife
He may as well have taken her life
From time to time she will see his face
At a park, at school or just any place
She get a chill to the bone
She thinks and wonders, will he follow me home
Once you have been violated in such way
You can’t help but to think, he will get me one day
Know matter what happens, he could be dead
Those years of your life are forever in your head
There is something in this you don’t see
The little girl in this story, She’s me
I know, this is only one step of many, but we are all taking this journey together!
Love and Be happy!!